Blog 45
Finally back to the "Dreamy Hexagon's" the Medallion quilt I'm making . As you saw, a few blogs ago ("Turn the water off!") my sewing room was flooded. It set me back a bit (a BIG bit!). At least this first part of the quilt has a lot of handwork so I could continue on.
Parts 1 and 2 of Dreamy Hexagon's were in my Blogs in January. We last talked of preparing the hexagons to sew into frames to go around cabbages in the fabric named Brasica, or you can use a floral fabric. My fabrics all come from a kit so I'll use the cabbages. Plus, I just LOVE the cabbages in Brasica. A little hint, I found the "Wonder Clips" very helpful in holding my Hexagon's together while I sewed.
Here are my finished frames and my Brasica fabric. I looked hard to find 7 different cabbages to cut out for the frames and then had a hard time deciding which color frame to use with each cabbage. Can you say "INDICISIVE"?
I starched and pressed the hexagons, then removed the hexagon papers from the back. As you can see in the Green frame I have one paper left to go. I used little scissors and tweezers, it was like playing the game "OPERATION". Don't kill the Hexi's.
I appliqued a frame to a cabbage (See the pink frame in the photo) using silk thread that matched. Now I have 6 more frames to go. That should keep me busy for a while.
Remember, this is a Medalion quilt so the fancy time consuming work is in the middle of the quilt. After this, it should be a piece of cake! Yeah, Sure......