Sunday, June 29, 2014

Here's Diana.............

Blog 7

I am packing my fabrics so I asked my incredibly talented friend Diana Ruby to "Guest Blog" for me.  I really think she should have her own blog - she has the best stories and knows how to make me laugh out loud!
Her guest blog however, made me cry. She is generous, down to earth and always giving of herself to others, not to mention, a fabulous quilter!

As they used to say on the old TV shows like Ed Sullivan, "and without further ado" (what's ado?) "Here's Diana..."

When Judy invited me to be a "guest blogger", I jumped at the chance. Thank you Judy!

I must admit that when Judy first told me that she was moving, I cried a little bit.  I have not been a very good participant in what we generally call "change". Change has often been something that has happened to me, rather than what I have actively chosen. I often associate "change" with "loss".  Mostly I really, truly hate change. Then it occurred to me that without change, I would not have met my friend Judy Ramos and many of the other wonderful, creative, generous, affirming, talented, hardworking people who have come into my life in the past few years.

It was because of significant (mostly our of my control) circumstances that I even began to quilt. I sewed through sadness and disappointment, and change.  And in the process of piecing my life back together, I made friends and discovered my life's work.  I love to quilt. I'll probably never win ribbons, or be invited to do a trunk show, or "wow" people with my spectacular quilts. But that's ok with me.  I'm me. We can't all be "Judys".

I'm me (and the quilter I am) partly because of the love and support and friendship and good tips I have received from Judy Ramos. I love sewing with Judy. She sings, is happy and encouraging, and funny. She is good at what she does. When Judy leaves, I'm going to miss sewing with her. And then I realize that I'm not going to be left with a Judy sized hole in my heart - I'm going to be left with a Judy sized impression on my hear. And I am grateful!

I met Judy, and my life is richer for it. Change has stretched me and made me grow. Maybe it's not a bad thing after all!

Traveling mercies, Judy. Enjoy the changes this move is bringing!

I'm going to go quilt now.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

$.50 cents a pound

Blog 6

You heard we sold the house. We move on July 21st.  OK, so next thing, how are we going to move all this stuff over 700 miles?  We are not young. Our days of U-Hauls are over. However, I still can U-Pack. We have estimates from those moving companys that put your stuff on their truck, drive it to your new home and take your stuff off the truck. Well guess what!? They charge by the pound. YEP, almost 50 cents a pound. With road taxes and insurance you really need to buy, it's about 50 cents a pound.  Yowza!
OK, so look at how neat my storage is in my sewing room (now):

My incredibly neat fabric
(the rest takes up one bay of the garage)
That does not show my stash we moved to the garage so the potential buyers wouldn't see it when they looked at the house. Large tub after tub of wonderful fabrics! We wouldn't want the buyers knowing a fabric hoarder AKA "Quilter" lived here, would we? Big question now, how much does that fabric weigh? Have you ever wondered? Well I'm going to weigh some and then sit down with a big glass of something, the something in my glass depends on how much fabric weighs.  Here goes...

20 yards = 5 pounds

OK, Alright, deep breathing.  I better double check.  I checked the know-it-all in my house, Google!  Type in "how much does quilting fabric weigh?"  I found on Ebay the following for 1 yard cuts, (who knew?):

  1. Washed Hoffman fabric = 4.3 oz
  2. Unwashed Alexander Henry = 5.2 oz
  3. Unwashed Hoffman batik = 4.7 oz 
Hmmmm.  I used unwashed Free Spirit fabric.  Lets see, that's 20 divided by 5, no that's not right.  This is where it gets difficult. Where the rubber meets the road.  MATH! 
OK we can do this. 16 oz to the pound means I have a total of  WHERE IS THE CALCULATOR ON MY PHONE???  5 X 16 = 80  so 20 yards = 80 ounces.  If I divide ounces by yards I get 4 ounces. So I'm saying one yard = 4 oz. plus or minus.  The average of the Ebay yards is 4.7 oz. Maybe their scale is a little more refined? The point being every 20 yards of fabric I have in my stash is going to weigh approximately 5 pounds or more and cost me $2.50 or more to move. That's just wrong. The math is right but the cost to move fabric is just wrong.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

We sold the house - OH NO!

Day/Blog 5

Yesterday morning I got a call from our Realtor Fred asking if I'd got the email. Thinking it was an email from the day before, I said "yes".  He said "so what did you think of the offer?"  I said "what offer?"  Now my heart started beating a little faster thinking that I hadn't seen the email he was talking about.  I was on the computer on Face Book so I quickly switched to email to see what he was talking about.  YES!!! we had an offer on the house and it was pretty good, not perfect, but good.  By afternoon we had submitted a counter offer and by the evening, they accepted.  We sold the house! We sold the house! Now we could concentrate on our new house in Washington and move on with the next chapter of our life. We had margaritas to celebrate and contemplate our exciting future. Sweet!

We called our daughters, we sent friends emails and text messages, it was so exciting, but why did I feel apprehensive? It's a good thing, right?

In the big scope of things, yes it is what we want, what we've worked hard for and what we expected to happen.  But it happened so fast, we sold the house in 13 days.  AND, it is a 30 day escrow so we have to be packed and out in 30, no strike that, 29 days now.  PACKING! OH NO!  I've told you about my quilting stash but I want to make sure you understand.  The picture is one load of many that we moved into the garage. One of many!
I don't even want to tell you how many.

The quilting stash was one issue on my mind last night but the bigger issue is how hard it is going to be to leave my friends.  No amount of margaritas would make that issue go away, if anything it made it worst.  Alcohol tends to bring out my WOO HOO! side as well as my BOO HOO side. Telling friends we had sold the house made the move real.  Leaving my friends, quilt groups & guilds.  How will I handle this? After sad text messages being sent back and forth I remembered dinner, yes, dinner.  I told my friends what I remembered. We had bought Chinese food take out for dinner.  With our Chinese food we only got ONE fortune cookie so we broke it open like a wishbone and it said "Every exit is an entrance to new experiences".  With that I bid my friends goodnight.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

All things Bernina

Day 4

We went to Sacramento, CA yesterday to pick up my Little Bernina from Meissner's Sewing Center. I Love, Love, Love, my Berninas!

Meissners of Sacramento
The BIG needle

 It is the store right off Interstate 80 with the BIG sewing machine needle in the sky. Just drive to the needle!

They have the very best Bernina Technician, his name is Matt.  That's what I think and I'm willing to drive 2 hours to Sacramento and another 2 hours back home just to have him take care of my Bernina sewing machine.

When you walk in...there it is...all things Bernina!

All things Bernina

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Her name was Lola, She was a showgirl


How do you move a cat from Nevada to Washington?  Yep, we have a cat and a dog and we are moving. Our Dog is really no problem, she loves to travel in the car and is a good sport about long trips.  However, our cat, Lola, hates the car. She hates to be held. We don't know why. We rescued her from the shelter so we don't know anything about her history.  We named her LOLA! That alone should tell you a lot about her. Remember the song "whatever Lola wants, Lola gets" from "Damn Yankees"? And "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl" from the song "Copacabana"?

We've never owned a cat before in 40 years of marriage.  We don't know how to travel with her. I suppose we'll ask the vet.  This moving thing just keeps getting better and better, ugh!

If you can't see the video, my apologies.  It is linked to you tube and I can see it on my PC but not on my I phone.  I'm still learning this Blogging thing so please bear with me. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

GOT FABRIC...It's a Statement, Not a Question

Day 2

I've been quilting since 1982, so for 32 years.  EGAD!  Has it really been that long?  You would think after all this time I'd be a better quilter.  I'm not a professional - not a teacher - I don't quilt for money - I haven't written any books or made any patterns - I just make quilts for my family, my friends and for me.  I have won ribbons at quilt shows and prizes at quilt challenges so I'm not bad, but I could really be a lot better.  Quilting is my passion...I love it!  

I have amassed quite a stash of fabrics.  Some fabrics are leftover from quilts I've made, some are for quilts I haven't started yet, and some I thought were pretty or too cute or really AWESOME and I just had to have it! Some fabrics, well, I really don't know why I bought it.

It's a Statement, not a Question
I have sorted and gone through my fabrics at least a hundred times but I just can't give it up. I've even had a friend come over for a fabric "Intervention".  She helped me go through it all, but you see, she is a quilter too, a lover of fabrics, and long story short, we didn't get rid of much.
Talking and blogging it out helps.  I've already approached my family about this dilemma and ideas are flowing like wine. Or maybe ideas and wine are both flowing?  Anyway they are all quite computer savvy, THEM not ME. They've come up with ideas about a website that I don't completely understand but I get the idea.  I've passed the idea past my friends and they seem to like it, and wine too.
I'm a Grandma who loves to quilt and I'm just now learning to blog.  As far as selling things, like fabric, I don't do well.  I'm not good at garage sales.  I end up giving things away.  All I want is an easy way to recoup some of the money I have spent on fabric so when I get to Washington I can buy some more.  OK, OK, I know this sounds a bit obsessive, and maybe it is, or clearly it is, BUT what will I do when I get REALLY old and can't afford the price of fabric? Huh?
Is this my first blogging argument?  It's only day 2 and thoughts in my brain are at odds with each other.  I'm arguing with myself.  I guess the daunting task ahead of me - MOVING my stash - has me in a tailspin.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I may need to Blog about this...

Day 1

I'm Judy, I'm a quilter and I just voluntarily put myself in the 3rd (out of 5) most stressful situation people can be in according to, I'm MOVING!
Moving household items, yeah, that will be hard, but moving my quilting stash, OMG!
My husband and I went on a vacation in the State of Washington and while on vacation we looked at houses.  Well...we bought one.  All the way home to Reno, in the car I kept saying "I'm afraid they won't take the offer" and my husband kept saying "I'm afraid they will".  We were driving along the Hood Canal and couldn't get phone reception but we finally got an email saying the house was ours. Conversation in the car came to a screeching halt on that winding road as we both contemplated what this would mean to us. We called our Realtor in Reno to set up an appointment.
We got home 2 days later and started cleaning the house and yard so we could put our existing home on the market.  We worked ourselves silly for a week, hired a painter and a handyman to help. Exhausted, we listed our home of 23 years.
The day after our house was listed I left for a week long Quilting Retreat at Lake Tahoe with my best friends. We call ourselves "Serenity Sisters".  Seven fabulous women who quilt, laugh, eat and drink together each year at Lake Tahoe. As I drove to the retreat from Reno, the highway comes around the mountain and you get your first glimpse of the Lake, a view which literally takes your breath away, I knew everything was going to be OK.
Lake Tahoe

I would talk with my "Sisters" about my move, about leaving my friends, leaving them, and work it out in my head. I'm back home now and there are no offers on the house, I already miss my friends and we haven't even left yet. I'm looking at that pile of quilting stash I've moved out to the garage and I'm starting to wonder, what have we done?