Blog 71
Welcome back to "SEAMS LIKE HOME!"
The Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club Annual Quilt Show is this weekend during the Lavender Festival. So much excitement in town - you can feel it in the air! The grocery stores are crowded, everyone stocking up for the weekend. We have tens of thousands of people coming to this little town for the biggest Lavender Festival in North America. I'm Excited!
The Quilt Club meeting was today and we're putting the final touches on the Quilt Show. Today our quilt challenges were due to be turned in and judged. Our Quilt challenge was "Through the eyes of a child". We were to use a piece of art made by a child under 12 years of age. Something from our "free" table had to be used in the quilt and declared. That's it, that is all of the rules, leaving the decision of how you wanted to make the quilt entirely up to you. You could do whatever you wanted.
My interpretation of the challenge was "What was my 6 year old Granddaughter trying to paint in her self portrait?" I tried to imagine what she would have painted if she had more skills than that a 6 year old child.

This is the artwork I chose and the green corduroy from the Free table.
I gave myself an additional challenge, I wanted to make the entire quilt from items on the free table.
Over time, I found all the colors I needed. But I never found a 6" black zipper, so I had to buy that. Darn it :o(

I even found Thread for her hair to stitch on a background of yellow fleece.
And of course since it was due today, I finished it last night, WHEW!!!
BUT.....when I saw all the fabulous quilts today, I knew I was out gunned. All I can say is Wowee Wow Wow! Look for yourself......
Isn't this a great assortment of styles? From exact copies of the original art work, to changing the artwork and adding to it. Use of felting and quilt blocks. There are as many different ways to do the challenge as there are quilters. Fun, Huh!?
Now on to the quilt show itself. Tomorrow is set-up. Lots to do and I will post photos on the blog to show you some of the "behind the scenes" action.