I am behind in Blogging so I've asked some friends to "Guest Blog" for me while I pack up my entire house to move. And of course, I can count on my friends to bail me out as they always do when I ask, I have the best friends in the whole world!
Here's Paula T...
What to say... Hmm, my big chance to get up on a soap box. My soap box would be a very pretty quilted box!! I always wonder why I want so badly to go on a quilt retreat - my life is a quilt retreat (aaaah --maybe I could have my own blog "my life is a quilt retreat"). I quilt something everyday. Even if it's just a piece of fabric that I "doodle quilt" on. That my friends is how you get the title "quilter"! Practice!! And when you get tired of that, well -- practice some more! When I used to teach free motion quilting, my parting words: "practice, practice & practice!" And just quilt something! If you want to, not every one wants to quilt their own completed tops. But if you do, some time will need to be invested. That being said, there are plenty of things to do with fabric!!
Now (excuse me, stepping up on the quilted box -- what the heck is a soap box any who?) I was told about Mark Lipinski's blog (gee, thanks judy!)

Judy gave me some fabric that is not going in the moving van. She wanted my friends, Donna & Keri, to take what we love and donate the rest to my Mom's friend Martha and now my friend. Martha doesn't sew but she and her sisters cut, sort and count the squares they get out of any piece of fabric I take to them! Martha then gives the squares (all counted and sorted!) to the Senior Gleaners in their area (northern California). The ladies at the "Gleaners" make quilts, wheel chair bags and pillows. Martha and her sisters are always so happy to see me back up the car in front of her house and start unloading! They make use of every single scrap! I'll be going to see my friend, Babs, who lives in Rocklin now, and we will make a trip over with "bags for Martha". Thank you Judy!
Enjoy your quilting journey!
Paula T
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