Blog 10
Who knew that gardening could smell so good?
I can't believe a month has gone by - August - where did you go? I'm going to blog a recap of the month's events that went by in a blur.
The Moving Van came to our old house and left with all our worldly possessions. We left with our Dog and Cat and our 2 cars for the 2 day drive to our new house. The moving truck broke down and it was 7 days before we saw it again. No computer, no pot or pan, no fork or spoon, no quilting stash, not even a chair to sit on. Luckily, we had air beds, sheets and TA DA! Quilts! I have to confess, I didn't mind not cooking for a week!
The truck finally showed up, we unpacked and unpacked for days until we were sick of it and decided we had to get out of the house and do something else.
Jardin du Soleil Lavender Farm |
After the fun, we finished unpacking. We hung out the "Welcome" sign and family and friends showed up at our door and then we had some more fun.
August, it's all a blur of Moving, unpacking, lavender dreams and fun with family and friends.
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