Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hence, my perfect "Tiffany Box Blue" rolling cart!

Blog 25

Check out this cart I just bought last weekend from IKEA.  I'm using it for my embroidery handwork I do at night in front of the TV.  You see, while my husband and I catch up on our favorite TV shows, I try to catch up with my embroidery.  We each have a chair facing the TV. Between the chairs we have a small (2' x 3') table which we share... well I kinda hog it.  I hog the table with all my embroidery things - hoops, thread, scissors, thimbles, needles and threader, pattern and whatever I'm working on.  Of course there are some quilting magazines and books, my laptop and charger, the latest quilting catalogs.  And if by chance I'm putting a binding on I need my binding clips, different needles, different thread and threader.  Hmmm.... not good at sharing the table.  Hence, my perfect "Tiffany Box Blue" rolling cart!

Ikea Raskog Cart by karahaupt, storage, studio, workspace, desk, home studio, space saver, art, materials ~ Kathy H {not bad, only $49.99}

This is a picture of the cart but not my things.  In my cart the bottom bin is filled with quilt magazines, catalogs and books.  In the middle bin,  I have room for my laptop & charger.  The top bin is dedicated to embroidery and all things necessary to put on bindings.  It travels over the carpet like a dream. When we give up TV for the night I roll it into the sewing room and shut the door, putting it out of site until the next time I'm ready to sew.  Our table is now used for what we intended.  We can actually find the remotes for the TV, the coasters for our drinks and yes even the phone.  The "Tiffany Box Blue" rolling cart  gave us our little table back.