Sunday, August 23, 2015

I'm down to the wire...

Blog 77

Welcome back to "SEAMS LIKE HOME"!

I'm down to the wire here, I had to finish a "RAG" quilt for a Birthday gift and pack to leave for a Retreat tomorrow.  OK, Judy, don't let the pressure get to you.  First things First, A day at a time, etc. etc. plus all those other sayings people say when they are in PANIC MODE!!

Alright... the RAG quilt was already cut and has been an UFO for a year or more.  As I checked the RAG quilt UFO I was thrilled to find that not only had the squares been cut but the middle layer of flannel was already cut and sandwiched.  Since the squares had been cut with an Accuquilt Go cutter the fringe was cut too.  There was only one more thing to do before I could start putting it all together.  Each square needed an "X" sewed across it to keep each block together.  OK, not so bad after all.

It took a while to sew the "X"'s, then it was time to sew the columns and rows together.  All the fringe needs to be on one side of the quilt. The back side of the quilt will have smooth seams. 

I used my design wall to get everything lined up the way I wanted the finished quilt to look.  I took down one block at a time to create the columns.  Then I took each column down to sew the rows together.

.Finally all blocks are together and it looks pretty darn good if I say so myself.  Next I wash it and dry it to fluff up the fringe and make it all cuddly like.  The fringe comes out cool, all kinda curly.   But Hey, just a minute.  Do I see a slight error in the way two of my blocks line up?  You know if I never say anything no one but me will notice right?  

Well, I'm out of time to fix it so I will send it off in the mail, and if, I'm saying IF someone notices I will fix it some day OR I will call it this:

OK, now I can head off to Retreat tomorrow with the present for my Son-in-Law's Birthday sent off in the mail, thanks to my Hubby who will run it down to the Post Office.  Thanks Honey!

I'll bring you back some pictures.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

It worked! The wish list worked!

Blog 76

Welcome back to "SEAMS LIKE HOME"!

I've been working on a Stack and Whack quilt (I will blog about it later) but I ran out of one of the fabrics I needed - the background.  I think I accidentally gave it to someone when I cleaned out my stash to move to Washington.  Well, no matter what happened to it, I need it!  

It is an old fabric that I bought in Hawaii from a lady who worked at a quilt store.  It wasn't from the quilt store but from her personal stash. I don't know where she got it. It was truly a mystery fabric. I saw it and loved it and asked if I could buy it.  She said she had had it for quite a while and hadn't used it yet so yes, I could buy it.  Woo Hoo!  I shipped it home with other things I bought.  this was back in 2007! OK, Yes.... I had it in my stash for years too, but I did find the perfect use for it, the background for my stack and whack.  The main fabric is an African print, the background is a swirling rush of colorful rooster feathers, absolutely PERFECT for the background. Now all I need to finish the Stack and Whack blocks is that PERFECT mystery fabric.

OK, don't Panic! The New Quilting Website, (stands for: My Quilters Fabric Exchange) has a forum with a wishlist.  You can post fabrics you are looking for and hope someone has it.  I knew my wish was a L-O-N-G-S-H-O-T! But what the heck.  I gave it a try.

I posted on Forum wishlist.  I described the fabric and asked if anyone had it.  It took a while but I got a response asking for more details about the fabric.  I posted a photo of it in the Gallery so she could see what the fabric actually looks like.  Again it took a while but I got an answer.  SHE HAS IT!!! OMG, I AM OVER THE MOON. I immediately contacted her by email and she is selling me 2 yards of it.  I sent her a cashiers check. I can hardly wait to get the fabric.

It worked!  The wish list worked!

The name of the fabric is "Poultry in Motion" and it is my PERFECT fabric, just waiting all those years for me to find the perfect project.  The woman who is now selling the fabric to me, at a very reasonable price, lives in Texas.  I live in Washington, but the "Wish List" makes it a small world after all.

Are you looking for fabric you need?  Give it a shot,
who knows where the fabric may be.


Friday, August 7, 2015

A break from the quilt show frenzy

Blog 75

Welcome Back to "SEAMS LIKE HOME"!

Getting ready for the quilt show and working the quilt show was exhausting in a GOOD way.  It was the climax of many months of planning and working towards the BEST small town quilt show in the West.  All the work was worth it, the quilt show was a big success.  Our only problem was Mother Nature's Heat Wave that hit on the same weekend.

No matter how much I enjoyed working with other quilters, by the end of the quilt show, I was ready for a short break.  Just an intermission.

The Pacific North-West provides plenty of diversions.  It's sheer beauty refreshes you and makes you glad just to be here as an observer of nature.  I took walks along the Dungeness River which is low like most, if not all, western rivers. It is still an amazing site to see.  I took time to pause, breathe in the fresh air and be happy.

Respite over, I've returned to my quilting.  First I looked for something small to make.  I suggested making a thread catcher to a group at the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club. They liked the idea and we made them. It was a lot of fun joining other quilters to make this project.  It was a chance to be creative short term.  They went together really quickly and turned out "oh sew cute"! I'm making two more for a total of three.  One for my sewing table, one for my cutting table and one for the ironing table. When I finish the next two I'll post them.  Stay tuned......