Blog 77
Welcome back to "SEAMS LIKE HOME"!

I'm down to the wire here, I had to finish a "RAG" quilt for a Birthday gift and pack to leave for a Retreat tomorrow. OK, Judy, don't let the pressure get to you. First things First, A day at a time, etc. etc. plus all those other sayings people say when they are in
Alright... the RAG quilt was already cut and has been an UFO for a year or more. As I checked the RAG quilt UFO I was thrilled to find that not only had the squares been cut but the middle layer of flannel was already cut and sandwiched. Since the squares had been cut with an Accuquilt Go cutter the fringe was cut too. There was only one more thing to do before I could start putting it all together. Each square needed an "X" sewed across it to keep each block together. OK, not so bad after all.
It took a while to sew the "X"'s, then it was time to sew the columns and rows together. All the fringe needs to be on one side of the quilt. The back side of the quilt will have smooth seams.
I used my design wall to get everything lined up the way I wanted the finished quilt to look. I took down one block at a time to create the columns. Then I took each column down to sew the rows together.
Finally all blocks are together and it looks pretty darn good if I say so myself. Next I wash it and dry it to fluff up the fringe and make it all cuddly like. The fringe comes out cool, all kinda curly. But Hey, just a minute. Do I see a slight error in the way two of my blocks line up? You know if I never say anything no one but me will notice right?
Well, I'm out of time to fix it so I will send it off in the mail, and if, I'm saying IF someone notices I will fix it some day OR I will call it this:
OK, now I can head off to Retreat tomorrow with the present for my Son-in-Law's Birthday sent off in the mail, thanks to my Hubby who will run it down to the Post Office. Thanks Honey!
I'll bring you back some pictures.