Day/Blog 5
Yesterday morning I got a call from our Realtor Fred asking if I'd got the email. Thinking it was an email from the day before, I said "yes". He said "so what did you think of the offer?" I said "what offer?" Now my heart started beating a little faster thinking that I hadn't seen the email he was talking about. I was on the computer on Face Book so I quickly switched to email to see what he was talking about. YES!!! we had an offer on the house and it was pretty good, not perfect, but good. By afternoon we had submitted a counter offer and by the evening, they accepted. We sold the house! We sold the house! Now we could concentrate on our new house in Washington and move on with the next chapter of our life. We had margaritas to celebrate and contemplate our exciting future. Sweet!
We called our daughters, we sent friends emails and text messages, it was so exciting, but why did I feel apprehensive? It's a good thing, right?
In the big scope of things, yes it is what we want, what we've worked hard for and what we expected to happen. But it happened so fast, we sold the house in 13 days. AND, it is a 30 day escrow so we have to be packed and out in 30, no strike that, 29 days now. PACKING! OH NO! I've told you about my quilting stash but I want to make sure you understand. The picture is one load of many that we moved into the garage. One of many!
I don't even want to tell you how many.
The quilting stash was one issue on my mind last night but the bigger issue is how hard it is going to be to leave my friends. No amount of margaritas would make that issue go away, if anything it made it worst. Alcohol tends to bring out my WOO HOO! side as well as my BOO HOO side. Telling friends we had sold the house made the move real. Leaving my friends, quilt groups & guilds. How will I handle this? After sad text messages being sent back and forth I remembered dinner, yes, dinner. I told my friends what I remembered. We had bought Chinese food take out for dinner. With our Chinese food we only got ONE fortune cookie so we broke it open like a wishbone and it said "Every exit is an entrance to new experiences". With that I bid my friends goodnight.
What a great story! The fortune cookie is correct. Don't look back, just look forward. Remind yourself of the new experiences and benefits of moving. No reason to be sad, as social media, phones, and texting will make it easy to keep in touch with your friends. I hope you find your dream house!