Sunday, June 29, 2014

Here's Diana.............

Blog 7

I am packing my fabrics so I asked my incredibly talented friend Diana Ruby to "Guest Blog" for me.  I really think she should have her own blog - she has the best stories and knows how to make me laugh out loud!
Her guest blog however, made me cry. She is generous, down to earth and always giving of herself to others, not to mention, a fabulous quilter!

As they used to say on the old TV shows like Ed Sullivan, "and without further ado" (what's ado?) "Here's Diana..."

When Judy invited me to be a "guest blogger", I jumped at the chance. Thank you Judy!

I must admit that when Judy first told me that she was moving, I cried a little bit.  I have not been a very good participant in what we generally call "change". Change has often been something that has happened to me, rather than what I have actively chosen. I often associate "change" with "loss".  Mostly I really, truly hate change. Then it occurred to me that without change, I would not have met my friend Judy Ramos and many of the other wonderful, creative, generous, affirming, talented, hardworking people who have come into my life in the past few years.

It was because of significant (mostly our of my control) circumstances that I even began to quilt. I sewed through sadness and disappointment, and change.  And in the process of piecing my life back together, I made friends and discovered my life's work.  I love to quilt. I'll probably never win ribbons, or be invited to do a trunk show, or "wow" people with my spectacular quilts. But that's ok with me.  I'm me. We can't all be "Judys".

I'm me (and the quilter I am) partly because of the love and support and friendship and good tips I have received from Judy Ramos. I love sewing with Judy. She sings, is happy and encouraging, and funny. She is good at what she does. When Judy leaves, I'm going to miss sewing with her. And then I realize that I'm not going to be left with a Judy sized hole in my heart - I'm going to be left with a Judy sized impression on my hear. And I am grateful!

I met Judy, and my life is richer for it. Change has stretched me and made me grow. Maybe it's not a bad thing after all!

Traveling mercies, Judy. Enjoy the changes this move is bringing!

I'm going to go quilt now.

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